The most anticipated film ‘GOAT’ aka ‘Greatest of All Time’ was released in theatres yesterday and the movie has now reportedly grossed Rs 43 crore in India. The film after its release has been receiving a lot of mixed reviews and fans have highly praised the movie. Directed by Venkat Prabhu, the film is a science fiction action drama starring an ensemble cast of Vijay, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Sneha, Laila, Ajmal, Mohan, Jayaram, Parvathi Nair, Vaibhav and Premji among others.The music for it is composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja.
The film had a huge buzz and it had already made Rs 65 crore in pre-sales and advance ticket booking and the movie was exected to gross above Rs 90 crore at the box office on day 1. However, with a working day, the film though managed to be out in 5000 screens in India in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi, it made a gross of Rs 43 crore nett in India, according to Sacnilk. The film in Tamil Nadu collected nearly Rs 38 crore and the Teluguversion of the film grossed Rs 3 cr. The Hindi version, however, did not find many takers and made only Rs 1.7 crore.
While Vijay’s previous film ‘Leo‘ opened at Rs 145 crore worldwide, ‘GOAT’ amidst the buzz did not manage to make more than Rs 60 crore worldwide. The film has reportedly grossed $5 million in North America,. With Rs 43 crore as its opening, the film made a great start on Thursday and it made the record as the highest opening grosser in Tamil this year beating Dhanush’s ‘Raayan‘ and Kamal Haasan’s ‘Indian 2’.
The film had a huge buzz and it had already made Rs 65 crore in pre-sales and advance ticket booking and the movie was exected to gross above Rs 90 crore at the box office on day 1. However, with a working day, the film though managed to be out in 5000 screens in India in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi, it made a gross of Rs 43 crore nett in India, according to Sacnilk. The film in Tamil Nadu collected nearly Rs 38 crore and the Teluguversion of the film grossed Rs 3 cr. The Hindi version, however, did not find many takers and made only Rs 1.7 crore.
While Vijay’s previous film ‘Leo‘ opened at Rs 145 crore worldwide, ‘GOAT’ amidst the buzz did not manage to make more than Rs 60 crore worldwide. The film has reportedly grossed $5 million in North America,. With Rs 43 crore as its opening, the film made a great start on Thursday and it made the record as the highest opening grosser in Tamil this year beating Dhanush’s ‘Raayan‘ and Kamal Haasan’s ‘Indian 2’.